T&D’s Planning & Systems Studies (P&SS) Division assists clients in maximizing the performance, reliability and efficiency of electrical systems. Studying, modeling, and analyzing systems, in accordance with RUS Guidelines and industry accepted practices, is this group’s expertise. Assisted by Milsoft and DNV GL software, system studies we provide include general system modeling utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) data, electronic drafting files and hard copy maps, power flow studies, project feasibility studies, fault studies, protection and control coordination studies, arc flash hazard analysis, contingency and outage restoration plans, system impact studies for renewable and conventional generation interconnections, power supply, and short-term, mid-term and long-term system planning studies.
By evaluating system performance, we help clients plan for the future and make well-informed decisions. Working closely with our Protection and Control division, the P&SS team assists clients with the design and practical field implementation of protection and control equipment and settings. Our planning experts are familiar with the regulations, standards, and codes applicable to various systems and we assist in ensuring our clients’ compliance.
T&D’s strategic financial analysis and forecasting includes cost/benefit assessments. Our team of planning engineers has vast experience supporting loan applications to RUS and other funding sources for utility expansion, improvements, and in support of utility operations.
The Planning & System Studies group regularly collaborates with T&D’s Surveying Division for the inventorying of clients’ assets. The data collected is then, in turn, transformed into a system model that can be readily utilized for analysis and planning.
Some of the services we provide include:
- Sectionalizing Studies
- Power Factor Correction Studies
- Generation Interconnection Studies
- Protection Coordination Studies
- Arc Flash and Hazard Analysis Studies
- System Impact Studies
- Long Range Plans (LRPs)
- Short- and Long-Term Construction Work Plans (CWPs)
- Load Forecasting / Financial Forecasting