T&D has designed and managed the installation of thousands of miles of distribution lines for scores of utility clients in numerous states.We handle all aspects of the power delivery process for clients. We routinely work with rural electric cooperatives, municipalities, investor-owned utilities (IOUs), developers, and mining companies.
T&D is proficient in designing transmission lines over rugged mountain terrain and ensuring compliance with applicable standards. We design and oversee the construction of overhead transmission lines using wood, steel, and concrete structures in voltages ranging from 69kV up to 345kV and overhead and underground distribution lines in voltages ranging from 7.2kV to 34.5kV.
Our engineers are experienced in the field and accompany survey crews to verify the chosen line layout to ensure feasibility of the line placement and construction based on terrain features, obstacles, crossings, and angles. We review preliminary maps, plan, and profile drawings for any utility crossings and complete documentation for submission of contract documents, bid projects, monitor construction, and prepare closeout documents when projects are complete. Additionally, our engineers perform onsite construction reviews to ensure construction is to specification and applicable standards.
Services we provide include:
- Routing, layout, site selection, structure spotting and field engineering using GPS grade survey equipment
- New line design using PLS CADD and the replacement, upgrade and retirement of existing lines
- Right of way and permit acquisitions involving private and public landowners (including tribal lands)
- Coordination of environmental and cultural resources surveys
- Line optimization, failure analysis, joint use analysis and electrical system studies
- Construction management, including competitive bidding, field review, inspection, and project close-out
- Designs conforming to RUS (Rural Utility Service) specifications and meeting or exceeding NESC and NEC requirements
- Assistance with RUS processes and documentation